My Bio
“Give people a reason to want to be a part of your journey".”
A Little About Me
Younger Years
Michael started playing the violin at age four in the Suzuki studio of Pat Thayer in Williamsport, PA, and furthered his studies with James Lyon of the Pennsylvania State University. A graduate of the Williamsport Area High School, Michael participated in the Williamsport String Quartet, WAHS Orchestra and Choir, the Millionaire Strolling Strings, and sat as Concertmaster of the 2019 Pennsylvania Music Educators Association (PMEA) District 8, Central Region, and All-State Orchestras. Michael has also been a member of the All-National Honors Orchestra of the National Association for Music Educators (NAfME). During the summers before leaving for college, Michael attended the Pennsylvania Suzuki Institute, Ithaca Suzuki Institute Advanced Program, Credo Chamber Music Camp, the Wintergreen Summer Music Program.
In 2019, Michael was accepted to Carnegie Hall’s National Youth Orchestra of the United States of America (NYO-USA). As a part of being selected for NYO-USA, Michael spent a two and a half week residency at Purchase College, in New York, studying with the top musicians in orchestral music, such as James Ross, Justin Bruns, and Alex Kerr. The orchestra was led by conductor Sir Antonio Pappano and featured soloists Isabel Leonard, Magdelena Kozena, and Joyce Didonato. At the end of the residency, Michael and the NYO-USA performed twice in the US before departing for their European tour at Carnegie Hall and Seigi Ozawa Hall at the Tanglewood Music Center. Then, they performed in some of the greatest halls in the world throughout Europe, including Royal Albert Hall, the Royal Concertgebouw, Usher Hall, the Konzerthaus Berlin, and at festivals such as the BBC Proms and Edinburgh International Music Festival.
“Playing with the finest young musicians in our country has given me the greatest gift known to man: a taste of what is possible.”
- Michael Fisher
Collegiate Career
Pursuing a Bachelor of Music Degree in Violin Performance, Michael was accepted at the University of Michigan, Eastman School of Music, Cleveland Institute of Music, New England Conservatory of Music, and The Juilliard School. Michael ultimately followed his heart to Boston, MA!
Michael is now a senior at the New England Conservatory of Music, studying with Professor Soovin Kim. Michael has found ample opportunities for himself at NEC, performing in masterclasses, sitting concertmaster of the Symphony and Chamber Orchestras, and studying vast amounts of chamber music. Academically, he has remained very active and served as a Teacher’s Assistant for Stratis Minikakis in the Music Literacy and Musicianship department.
Beyond NEC, Michael has taken full advantage of living in Boston - teaching, gigging, and networking all across the city. His largest commitment is his concertmaster role of the Boston Philharmonic Youth Orchestra (BPYO) under the baton of Maestro Benjamin Zander. He has now lead the orchestra through three seasons of incredible repertoire and two world tours to South Africa and Europe with a third on the way to Mexico in 2024.
BPYO South Africa Tour
Most recently, Michael sat as concertmaster of the Boston Philharmonic Youth Orchestra under the baton of Maestro Benjamin Zander on the group’s tour to South Africa. Amidst the other works programmed for the concerts, Strauss’s Ein Heldenleben (A Hero’s Life) consumed the majority of Michael’s focus. The massive tone poem features one of, if not the longest and most challenging concertmaster solo in all of classical music, very rarely performed even by the best orchestras in the world. Totaling nearly 18 minutes of solo violin in the 50 minute long work, Strauss uses the solo violin to represent the Hero’s wife. Within the development of this character, Strauss seeks to highlight the vast range and sporadic nature of Pauline’s emotions. It is these vast contrasts coupled with the extreme technical demand that gives these soli their reputation.
Performing Ein Heldenleben three times throughout South Africa, including the University of Pretoria, the Hugo Lambrechts Hall in Cape Town, and at the National Arts Festival in Makhanda, Michael also sat as associate concertmaster for performances of Beethoven’s 5th Symphony and Mahler’s 2nd Symphony (“The Resurrection Symphony”).
Read Jonathan Blumhofer’s (professional music critic with Boston Classical review) reviews on Michael’s performances and the tour here. Hear Michael’s solos from the final performance at the National Arts Festival in Makhanda here.
New York Classic Violin Competition
BPYO Europe Tour
Aspen Music Festival
Personal Life
Michael’s favorite way to spend his free time is with his closest friends and his family. Nothing is more important to him than the people he loves. The majority of Michael’s time outside of violin is spent training for marathons, lifting weights, content creating on social media, and growing his businesses attaining his real estate license and creating performance/gig opportunities for himself.
My Resume
2024 New York Classic Violin Competition Finalist
2024 Aspen Music Festival Center of Orchestral Leadership Fellow
2019 National Youth Orchestra of the United States
2020 MTNA State Senior String Performance Winner
2020 MTNA Eastern Division Senior String Performance Runner Up
2019 MTNA State Senior String Performance Winner
2018-2021 PMEA District 8 Concertmaster
2019 and 2021 PMEA Central Region Concertmaster – Williamsport, PA
2019 PMEA All State Concertmaster – Pittsburgh, PA
2019 NAfME All-National Orchestra – Orlando, FL
2020 West Shore Symphony Orchestra Young Artist Competition Winner
2019 Triolo Competition Winner – State College, PA
2018 Williamsport Symphony Orchestra Young Artist Competition Winner
2018 Bloomsburg Young Artist Senior Division Winner
2017 MTNA State Junior String Performance Winner
2017 MTNA Eastern Division Junior String Performance Runner up
2021 Williamsport Area High School Valedictorian
2020 Bishop’s Youth Award – Diocese of Scranton
2021 Williamsport Chamber of Commerce Outstanding Senior Nominee
2021 Williamsport Music Club Scholarship Winner
Relevant Employment:
Weddings, funerals, party receptions, national anthems, recordings
New England Conservatory Music Literacy and Musicianship Teacher’s Assistant (Stratis Minikakis)
2018-2019 - Williamsport Symphony Orchestra
Robert M. Sides Family Music Center String Shop
Through The Staff – Carnegie Hall, NYC – An NYO-based group offering free private lessons to students with financial needs
St. Boniface Contemporary Music Ensemble
Notable Performances:
November 2024 - Concertmaster of NEC’s Chamber Orchestra
November 2024 - Performance in Guy Braunstein Masterclass
July 2024 - Associate Concertmaster of the Aspen Music Festival Chamber Orchestra
June 2024 - Concertmaster of the Boston Philharmonic Youth Orchestra’s performances of Mahler’s Symphony No. 5 and Schumann’s Cello Concerto in A minor with Zlatomir Fung on tour in Europe (Basel, Prague, Vienna, Hamburg, Berlin) under Benjamin Zander
November 2023 - Performance in Grigory Kalinovsky Masterclass
July 2023 - Self-Organized Fundraiser Recital
June 2023 - Concertmaster Solos of Ein Heldenleben on tour in South Africa (Pretoria, Cape Town, and Makhanda) with the Boston Philharmonic Youth Orchestra under Benjamin Zander
June 2023 - Associate Concertmaster of the Boston Philharmonic Youth Orchestra’s performances of Beethoven’s Symphony No. 5 and Mahler’s Symphony No. 2 on tour in South Africa
February 2023 - Concertmaster of NEC’s Symphony Orchestra performance of Brahms Symphony No. 1
November 2022 - Performance in Noah Bendix-Balgley Masterclass
December 2022 - Performance in NEC’s Chamber Music Gala Concert in Jordan Hall
August 2019 - NYO-USA Performances at Seigi Ozawa Hall, Carnegie Hall, Konzerthaus Berlin, Usher Hall, Royal Albert Hall, Royal Concertgebouw, and Elbphilharmonie
August 2022 - National Anthem at Little League World Series US Championship Game
December 2018 - Soloist with Williamsport Symphony Orchestra
September 2018 – National Anthem at Williamsport Cross Cutters Baseball
May 2018 – WVIA Public Radio Performance
December, 2017 – Featured Performer on There’s Still My Joy CD FCD055764
2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 – Solo Recitals
September, 2020 – Virtual Recital – Bach Partita #2